Friday, November 25, 2011

Keep your chin up ...

It’s a popular saying, but one that has real physical ramifications. Typically we say this phrase when someone is having a rough day to remind them to keep a positive attitude. But did you know keeping your chin up and having correct posture will help you feel better physically and can prevent injury? Proper posture can prevent bulged or herniated discs, arthritis, carpel tunnel, and other muscle strain.

As an added bonus, standing up tall gives off an air of self-confidence. You can read more here:

Friday, November 18, 2011


Have you ever wondered about that Karate yell—“HIYA!”
In martial arts and self-defense you’re encouraged to Kiai or Qia (pronounced keeyah) which means “energy,” ”life giving force,” “concentrate,” or “spirit yell” depending on the language referenced. In other words you’re encouraged to yell to help focus, startle the opponent, help you breathe, or alert others to your plight depending on the circumstance.*

You can read more here: